
Saeed Ahmad Wattoo Helping in Flood areas M. Garh Qusba Qujrat Pakistan Flood areas M. Garh Qusba Qujrat Pakistan Flood areas M. Garh Qusba Qujrat Pakistan Flood areas M. Garh Qusba Qujrat Pakistan Flood areas M. Garh Qusba Qujrat Pakistan Flood areas M. Garh Qusba Qujrat Pakistan

Friday, 10 May 2013



“Create value-based communities of dignified and informed citizens comprising the erstwhile marginalized and the oppressed from the perennially unresponsive regions in place with pride”In Pakistan after years of widespread injustice, gender discrimination, loss of peace and security, NEEDS members knows how crucial it to be communicated. As NEEDS work demonstrates on justice, equity, freedom of expression, implementation of law and struggle against conflicts/ social injustices that can destroy communities, but peace and dialogue can rebuild them, and we must continue supporting and reinforcing the networking activities of man, women and child of the poor and marginalized dedicated to peace building in their communities. NEEDS believes that these man’s and women's familiarity with the tools of modern communication will raise awareness of their contribution to building a more prospers and peaceful Pakistan and disseminate their views in prevention of all the injustices made across the society. Our management is working for resolution to a wider audience to equip the community with best modern education, health, economy and law and order situation in the country.


‘’sustained food and nutrition security of marginalized through environmentally sound interventions, while focusing on equity, justice and human rights”
All initiatives of NEEDS focus on ensuring equal opportunities for resource poor households through improved access to human development opportunities. As a strategy, NEEDS concentrates on building local capacity, ensuring information and technology availability and enhancing linkages to development infrastructure like state or private institutions, market, health and education service providers etc.
The great strides we have made and our many accomplishments along the way is not possible without the commitment of our members, partners, networks, staff and volunteers who have promoted NEEDs vision, mission and objectives through their dedication and professionalism to whom I would like to extend my deepest appreciation.

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Sectorial Goals

Sectorial Goals

  • Livelihood security: 
  • Sustainable livelihood security of marginalized through environment friendly farm and non-farm based technology enhancement by ensuring empowerment process of marginalized community 
  • Health: 
  • Reduction in mortality and morbidity amongst women and children under 2 years by enhancing the women’s capacity in safe motherhood and child survival issues and improved access and control on health infrastructure and information by women 
  • Child Protection: 
  • All children will learn, grow and develop to realize their full potential. 
  • ICT: 
  • Every household of the poorest regions sufficiently empowered to live a joyful life with all their entitlements realized in an Informed Society
  • Education
  • Promote and provide access to quality formal basic education for woman and children within deprived rural communities and by that contributing to bridging the urban-rural, gaps in basic education in Pakistan and also as long-term means to poverty reduction.
  • Economic Development
  • Achieve economic development and improved quality of life for poor and disadvantaged rural households and communities with emphasis on women and children through eradication of child labor within NEEDS geographical scope of operation.
  • Implementation of Law
  • Demand the government should ensure the implementation of relevant laws. Call for more strong legislation to curb violence and any kind of social injustice in Pakistan.

Working Approach

Working Approach

NEEDS believes that bringing the marginalized groups in the development process is possible only through their direct involvement in the process. So the development activities for the target groups must be implemented by themselves. For this, NEEDS will play the role of facilitator to create an appropriate environment and opportunities for such groups. While playing this role, NEEDS will strive for collective efforts by maintaining mutual understanding and coordination with organisations having similar objectives. NEEDS, before implementing any program will facilitate the target groups for their involvement in the situation study, analysis and planning process Similarly, NEEDS will make efforts to help the target groups in their development and welfare by closely working together with the responsible authorities, NGOs. NEEDS have the following specific working approaches:

  • Development works for the target groups to be carried out with the direct involvement of target groups themselves (let them do their development themselves)
  • Development through coordination, collective efforts and networking.
  • Right-based advocacy
  • Adoption of new working approaches based on situational study and analysis


Stratigic Objectives

Strategic Objectives

Exploring and tapping the opportunities, resources and services of various civil society organizations, government institutions, national and international agencies for benefiting the poor and the marginalized groups, of population.
Developing stable, institutionalized and workable linkages and partnership with various civil society organization, government institutions, and services for benefiting the target groups and communities.
Facilitating the civil society organizations, government institutions, national and international agencies in implementing their programs for benefiting their target beneficiaries.
Expanding the network of social support system for people through their connectivity with multiple civil society organizations, government institutions and international agencies for accessing to their resources and services.
Creating awareness among people about their legal and human rights, and their entitlements for benefiting from resources that may be available with different government and non-government organization, national and international agencies.  
Advocacy, alliances and lobbing will be mounted to pressurise government authorities to become accountable for the establishment of rights and proportional participation of the marginalized indigenous peoples in the development process.
NEEDS will make collective efforts by establishing network with organisations concerned for the development of indigenous peoples, ascertaining their rights and their participation in their own development process.
Maintain relation and coordination with the government, NGOs to secure necessary assistance for development activities and the initiative for ensuring rights and development of the target peoples.
Take responsibility for monitoring and evaluating of and transparency in the activities implemented by the member and partner organisations.

Focused Programmatic Area

Focused Programmatic Area

Community development and poverty alleviation
Resource mobilization through community-based information  & Communication network
Rescue, relief and rehabilitation of the victims of natural calamities, disasters and fatal accidents
Entrepreneurship and micro-finance
Health, education and human resource development.
Gender-based discrimination, violence and woman empowerment
Human rights and legal aid
Governance and responsible citizenry
Agricultural farming and food security
Environment and public health related issues strategies
Making strategic alliances and entering into partnership with civil society organization, government institutions and international agencies for launching collaborative / joint welfare and development projects
Resource mobilization of civil society organizations, government institution and notional and international agencies by making alliance and partnership with them for implementing community development and poverty alleviation programs
Promoting community participation in development and poverty alleviation imitative of various organizations
Community mobilization by developing interpersonal information networks
Promoting a culture of volunteerism and organizing volunteers by imparting necessary training to them for disaster management at community level
Encouraging woman's participation in community development and woman empowerment
Lobbying and advocacy for promoting the values of plural society like volunteerism, tolerance, equity, peaceful coexistence, and, national integration
Integrated health and nutrition management
Adolescent reproductive sexual health
Sustainable   agriculture   and   natural   resource management/watershed development
Enterprise enhancement
Livelihood enhancement, restoration and management, non -farm technology promotion
Farm based technology promotion
Information technology
Networking, Partnership and cooperation
Local Institutions Building and Policy advocacy

Program Activities carried out by NEEDS are as follows:

Program Activities carried out by NEEDS are as follows:

NEEDS is an umbrella organisation, which does not implement program activities directly by it. Instead of implementing program, it coordinates, facilitates the member organisations for collective efforts towards ensuring the basic rights of the target groups who are deprived of their rights being marginalized from the so-called mainstream of development process and bring them into the holistic development process in order to create a fair and equitable society by making collective efforts of like-minded organisations. In striving to this, NEEDS is organising various activities related to coordination, facilitation, capacity building, and advocacy campaigns. Specifically, it has been involved in the following activities:

  • Regular meeting, coordination with member organisation and like-minded organisations, individuals.
  • Support on Organisation Development of member organisations by running training/workshops on Rights-based Approach and advocacy, leadership, Program management (planning, implementation, monitoring), report writing, proposal writing, Social Mobilisation, HIV/AIDS, trafficking, gender issues, micro financing, agriculture etc.
  • Workshop/debate on rights, biodiversity (with coordinating members and other stakeholders/respective authorities).
  • Running Media Advocacy by FM program.
  • Culture and language protection. 
  • Organised Ancestors Workshops/conferences on self-identification.
  • Conducted Vocabulary and Grammar development technical classes.
  • Conducted Language classes.
  • Income Generation Activities through Cooperative Society.
  • Market linkage, coordination for community products (Produced by poor families).
  • Group organisation and strengthening their capacity (Women, student, cultural groups)
  • Different Trainings through linkages, coordination with different relevant organisations (computer, co-operative, sewing/cutting, account)
  • Education campaign on HIV/AIDS and trafficking and rights of infected people
  • Scholarship support for students from poor families (linkage/self)
  • Organize children's interaction program for their development on different aspects of their lives and run competition program among them in a participatory way.