
Saeed Ahmad Wattoo Helping in Flood areas M. Garh Qusba Qujrat Pakistan Flood areas M. Garh Qusba Qujrat Pakistan Flood areas M. Garh Qusba Qujrat Pakistan Flood areas M. Garh Qusba Qujrat Pakistan Flood areas M. Garh Qusba Qujrat Pakistan Flood areas M. Garh Qusba Qujrat Pakistan

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Working Approach

Working Approach

NEEDS believes that bringing the marginalized groups in the development process is possible only through their direct involvement in the process. So the development activities for the target groups must be implemented by themselves. For this, NEEDS will play the role of facilitator to create an appropriate environment and opportunities for such groups. While playing this role, NEEDS will strive for collective efforts by maintaining mutual understanding and coordination with organisations having similar objectives. NEEDS, before implementing any program will facilitate the target groups for their involvement in the situation study, analysis and planning process Similarly, NEEDS will make efforts to help the target groups in their development and welfare by closely working together with the responsible authorities, NGOs. NEEDS have the following specific working approaches:

  • Development works for the target groups to be carried out with the direct involvement of target groups themselves (let them do their development themselves)
  • Development through coordination, collective efforts and networking.
  • Right-based advocacy
  • Adoption of new working approaches based on situational study and analysis



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